Lenox Diemaster 2 78935D2B51815 Smooth Cutting Welded Band Saw Blade, 5 ft 11-1/2 in L, 1/4 in W x 0.025 in THK, 14 to 18 TPI, Bi-Metal Blade, M42 HSS Tooth
LENOX 78935D2B51815
/ EA
Out of Stock
- Tooth Form: Milled/Vari-Tooth
- Blade Material: Bi-Metal
- Tooth Material: M42 HSS
- Teeth Per Inch: 14 to 18 TPI
- Blade Width: 1/4 in
- Blade Thickness: 0.05 in
- Tooth Set: Wavy
- Back Type: Flexible/Spring Tempered Alloy Steel
- Kerf: 0.043 in
- Length: 5 ft 11-1/2 in
- Side Set Degree: 0.009 in
- Type: Smooth Cutting Welded
DIEMASTER 5FT11-1/2IN X1/2 X .025 14/18T