
Merit 08834167827 3 AO Abrasive Disc Non Woven Brown

MERIT 08834167827
$4.10 / EA
Out of Stock
  • Application: Blending, Finishing, Paint Removal, Rust Removal and Surface Prep
  • Attachment Type: Type TR (Type III)
  • Color: Black
  • Abrasive Material: Aluminum Oxide
  • Grade: Extra Coarse
  • Grit: 40
  • Backing Material: Nylon/Polyester
  • Backing Weight: Y-Weight
  • Disc Diameter: 3 in
  • Item: MERIT 08834167827
  • Type: Type AG

Quality aluminum oxide abrasive grain coating provides up to 20% higher cut rate and 50% better performance than competitive products|Premium high loft nylon fiber bonded to a strong nylon scrim backing allows a thick layer of resin bond and grain for extended life, added durability and stiffness|Proprietary clean bond resin technology guarantees smear-free finishes even on high nickel content alloys and reduces loading on aluminum and other soft metals|Coarse grit for moderate material removal and initial blending of welds including stainless, soft metals like aluminum, carbon steels and titanium|TR (type III) fit roll-on/roll-off metal attachment system